In a perfect world you could just click and purchase ANY Folkwear pattern anytime you want. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work that way. We get questions all the time about older Folkwear patterns that are not currently in print. We have about 20 to 25 patterns that we don't offer in our shop and are no longer in print.
We know many of our older patterns are hot items at estate sales and antique stores and eBay. If we could, we’d have every pattern available in every size and every version. We’d also have perfectly clean, well-stocked sewing studios where little elves brought us tea and cookies every afternoon, but that’s a whole different fantasy.
So, why don’t we make every pattern that Folkwear has ever published available right now? The reason for each pattern is different, and some patterns have multiple reasons we are not yet bringing them back. Here's a little bit about the current process and difficulties of printing because sometimes that is relevant also. Some reasons we don't have a pattern in print right now:
What should you do if there is an out-of-print Folkwear pattern that you would love for us to reissue? Well, the first thing is to let us know by adding the pattern number to our "Wish List". We are always looking for input and letting us know the patterns you are seeking can help us make decisions about which patterns to bring back!
Tell us which patterns you are looking for right here. We love hearing from you and learning what you want to sew (and how you sew).
May 31, 2023
BTW, I would want a paper pattern, and I’m happy to pay more for it!
May 31, 2023
I would so love to see Sophisticated Lady come back. I can approximate it with other patterns, but it’s not the same.
February 08, 2023
Huichol #125. The cross-stitch patterns!
January 07, 2023
Please bring back Beautiful Dreamer—and in expanded sizes in pdf form (I know this is asking a bit, but this was one of my all-time favorites). Thank you.
August 16, 2022
Beautiful dreamer, please!
August 06, 2022
Is there a list of the patterns that are out of print? My memory ain’t what it used to be!
August 04, 2022
I love the idea of bringing back out of print patterns! Personally I always prefer paper patterns over PDF ones but think having both options makes sense to allow more access to the patterns. Is there any way to have a list of all of the out of print patterns to look at? I’ve only known about Folkwear for about 20 years or so and don’t know what the older patterns were so that makes it kind of hard to vote for them. I was able to find examples of some of the older patterns online but probably haven’t seen all of them. I would agree so far with bringing back Beautiful Dreamer for starters though.
August 04, 2022
In the late 40’s and 50’s several pattern manufacturers sold a version of the Pendleton’s women’s 49er shirt jacket, which was very popular at the time (my grandmother had two), but somewhat expensive since it was made out of Pendleton wool. I would love to see a Folkwear version of that. Also, the guy’s surf board shirt that the Beach Boys made popular in the Sixties. Regards.
August 04, 2022
Afternoon Dress Paris 1920
February 27, 2025 1 Comment on Why Is This Pattern Out Of Print? An explanation...
Jane Crisp
July 16, 2023
I love the Victorian christening gown pattern, I used it for grandchildren on both sides of the family and would like to make it again for a great grandchild Unfortunately I loaned it to a friend who has moved as I too have and we are not in contact. If you have a paper pattern gathering dust somewhere I would love to have it. I can pay by debit card in American dollars and have a U.S. address to send it to. Fingers crossed for this all happening Thank you.