December 29, 2018 2 Comments on 2018 in Review
The end of this year marks the 2nd year I've owned and run Folkwear. It has been a privilege, lots of fun, and quite a bit of work (which I have enjoyed) to steward this company forward. I thought it might be fun to reflect a bit here on what Folkwear (and I) have done over the last year - to be able to see what has been accomplished, and hint what might be in store for 2019. I'm including some of my favorite personal and non-Folkwear 2018 things here as well (and with a few photos thrown in - you can see more about all in the links).
Folkwear accomplishments in 2018:
Patterns -
Miscellaneous -
Personally, I made quite a few Folkwear garments this year. Some for myself, some for samples, and some as gifts:
I also sewed a few non-Folkwear things for myself, and wanted to share these great patterns, too:
Plans for 2019
We are working on several things for 2019, many of which are coming in the next couple months. We have several out-of-print patterns that we are re-releasing. Some will be special printings, some will be regular releases, and some will be released as PDFs only. Speaking of PDFs, we will be adding a few of our regular (and popular) patterns as PDFs in addition to the paper patterns.
We also have the clothing line coming out within the next week or so! And, our NYC fabric and textile tour will be a blast!
I am looking forward to 2019 - and all the things to learn, work on, and experience.
Let me know what you would like to see Folkwear do this coming year!
July 22, 2019
Thanks for continuing Folkwear! I ‘ve been using these patterns since the 70’s and I truly love them. How and where do I see the whole line?
Anxiously awaiting a reply Hugs. Janna.
February 09, 2025 3 Comments on 2018 in Review
Molly Hamilton
July 23, 2019
Glad to hear from a fan!
You can see the all our patterns here:
And, our whole clothing line here: